Welcome to the Fund Launch Accelerator!

Register for Fund Launch Accelerator Now!

This is what you'll get when you register for the Fund Launch Accelerator coaching program:

  • The full Fund Launch Accelerator training program and portal that takes you through all of the strategies and tactics that have been used by my real estate entrepreneur clients to launch their funds and raise millions of dollars in investor capital.
  • Eleven modules that walk you through launching your real estate fund...and growing your investor base.
  • Email swipe copy, a targeted timeline and checklists to keep you on track, module by module.
  • Completed term sheets from my previous fund formations engagements with my private clients.
  • Additional training on how to build, scale and grow your real estate investment firm beyond just architecting, forming and launching a fund.
  • Access to our Fund Launch Accelerator Portal Community...where you can ask questions and get answers and support from myself, my team and fellow community members.
  • Transcripts of all of the training videos (perfect if you're like me and you read more than watch videos).
  • Audio-only files of all of the training videos (if you would rather listen to the training instead of watching the videos - great while you're driving or taking a walk).
  • 12 months of live group Coaching Calls with myself via our three stage specific weekly mastermind calls - Architect, Launch and Manage.
  • The Facebook Fund Formation Client Alumni group - there's pure gold in this group, and it's where you can really tap into the community and interact with all of my former clients that have successfully launched their own funds...so you're rubbing shoulders with the giants of the real estate investment world - people who have raised millions of dollars in investor capital.
  • Ten weekly 60-minute "Office Hours" Q&A sessions where you can drop in and ask any questions you have with any of the content or exercises. 
  • One 90-minute Private 1-on-1 Coaching Session with myself where I will answer any questions you have and provide you with feedback on your fund structure and terms, your Capital Raise Canvas, the draft of your Investor's Journey Pitch Deck outline and more.
  • Access to the fillable Capital Raise Canvas and Action Guide which will walk you through exactly what you need to do to hone your compelling investor marketing narrative.
  • Access to the Investor's Journey Pitch Deck Outline and Action Guide which will pull in the relevant elements from your Capital Raise Canvas and guide you through developing a pitch deck that will leave investors capitivated.
  • Access to the 90-Day Fund Launch Plan Template and Action Guide which you'll use to ensure that you waste little effort and gain traction from day one that you can build on.
  • Access to Fund Financial Model Templates - these are the models I've built that help you figure out what the appropriate fees and waterfall structure are for your fund as well as provide you with the insight to see how much revenue will flow back into your business.

Plus You Get These Extra Bonuses:

  • BONUS: "Your Tech Stack Quick Start" - this is my training on picking out the technology you'll need for your fund launch and getting it set up. If you're just starting out and you're intimidated by the "technology question"... I've got you taken care of.
  • BONUS: "Raising Capital on LinkedIn" - Yakov Smart shares all of the ins and outs about how to use LinkedIn to source new high-net-worth investor leads.
  • BONUS: "Getting Started with Pay-Per-Click Ads" - our resident PPC campaign specialist, Renny Krieg, shares the secrets to leveraging pay-per-click to pull new investor leads through your marketing funnel to setup more investor calls.
  • BONUS: "Leverage Strategic Gifting to 5x Investor Referrals" - John Ruhlin, best selling author of Giftology, shares how to build and develop a strategic gifting program that will turn your investors into raving, grateful fans that can't stop talking about you to their friends.
  • BONUS: "Creating a Winning Brand Identity" - our resident branding expert, Brian White, shares how to revamp your branding elements (logo, color scheme, typography) in a way that aligns with your overall vision, mission and values.
Register for Fund Launch Accelerator Now!